Are Same-Sex Couples Less Likely To Get Divorced Than Straight Couples?

Gay/same sex marriage concept.
Gay/same sex marriage concept.
Why do you think same-sex marriages will have less divorce rates?
In my experience doing same sex prenuptial agreements, many of the couples have been together for a long time and are marrying now that they are able to. Couples that already have learned each other’s annoying habits and decided that they can live with them, have a better chance of staying together long term. You also eliminate the possibility of a shot-gun wedding, which do not always result in people getting married because they want to marry, but because they feel they have to.
Do you think infidelity is less likely in same-sex couples? Why or why not?
I do not think that infidelity would be more or less likely in same sex couples. Relationships are relationships and if people stray, I do not think it will be because it is an opposite sex or same sex couple.
What are the three top reasons for divorces these days?
I think the top reason for divorce is (and always has been) lack of ability to effectively communicate. When communication breaks down, then people will fight about everything such as: money, sex, the children or the dirty socks on the floor. It is not the bad basketball shot into the laundry that causes divorce, but rather the lack of ability to discuss it and get underneath the problem.
The top three reasons I hear why people claim they are getting divorce are:
1. Lack of intimacy in a relationship (physical and emotional);
2. Controlling personalities usually relating to money; or
3. Infidelity.
This day and age, do you think biological children of a divorce couple have a more difficult time coping than adopted children of a homosexual couple?
I do not think there are enough same sex divorces with custody battles yet to really answer that question.  That said, every child handles divorce differently. If the parents are able to communicate to their child that each parent has unconditional love for that child, regardless of the parent’s marital status – the child will be more likely able to cope with the divorce.
What advice do you have for married couples in general?
Learn how to fight well. Everyone knows how to get along well, but to be able to fight well is a skill that can sustain your marriage.

Jacqueline Newman

is a Family Law Attorney & Managing Partner at Berkman Bottger Newman & Rodd in NYC. Ms. Newman’s practice consists of litigation, collaborative law and mediation. Jacqueline specializes in complex high net worth matrimonial cases and negotiating prenuptial agreements. She has appeared as a commentator on various television shows and has been quoted as an expert in numerous publications, including Glamour Magazine, Crain’s New York Business, U.S. News and World Report, Woman’s Day and The Huffington Post.
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