57 and Fabulous, Reinventing My Career with Style and a Sense of Humor By Amy Yallof


At 57, I found myself at an exciting junction—not necessarily the one I had in mind for my career, but hey, when ageism hands you lemons, you make lemonade… or at least a strong cocktail. Despite three decades of experience in brand marketing, I faced the undeniable challenge of ageism, a bias that often overlooks the immense value of seasoned professionals. But I wasn’t ready to hang up my hat or, more accurately, my laptop. Instead, I saw this as an opportunity to channel my expertise into something new and impactful. My career wasn’t ending; it was evolving, and my experience in branding turned out to be the perfect segue into a fulfilling new role: student mentorship.


The Subtle Realities of Ageism


Ageism is a quiet force in many industries, subtly nudging seasoned professionals aside in favor of younger talent. In marketing, where trends and technology move at lightning speed, this bias can be particularly pronounced. Yet, it’s a mistake to underestimate the value of experience. Rather than seeing my age as a barrier, I viewed it as a badge of honor—a testament to the depth of knowledge and insight I bring to the table. And let’s be honest, I can still write a an entire direct mail piece faster most people under 30 can craft a hashtag!


Let’s be real; experience is the gold standard of professional skills. My years in brand marketing weren’t just about campaigns and logos; they were about understanding the core of storytelling, strategic positioning, and market dynamics. These skills are evergreen, applicable across all ages and industries. The challenge was to find a way to apply them in a fresh context, and that’s where student mentorship came in. Plus, my kids had their friends lined up for my help, eager to write their resumes to help them get summer college internships. And I loved it.


A Natural Transition: From Branding to Mentoring


The transition into mentoring students felt like a natural extension of my branding expertise. Just as I had helped companies define their value propositions and craft compelling narratives, I found myself guiding students to do the same with their personal stories. The core principles of branding—identifying unique strengths, articulating value, and creating a cohesive message—are exactly what students need when applying to colleges or seeking internships. Helping them position themselves effectively was like breathing new life into the skills I’d honed for years. Who knew that explaining the importance of a “personal brand” could be as thrilling as pitching a new product?


Reinventing my career at this stage wasn’t just a necessity; it was an exciting adventure. Sure, it required adapting to new tools and platforms, but it also meant rediscovering my passion for storytelling and strategic thinking in a new light. With a focus on continuous learning and staying abreast of current trends, I embraced the journey with enthusiasm. It was less about keeping up and more about enriching my already substantial skill set. Plus, I’ve finally mastered the art of the “selfie video,” which is more than I can say for my tech-savvy kids!

In my new role, I’ve made it a mission to challenge stereotypes about aging professionals. Far from being a limitation, my experience has proven to be an invaluable asset. By helping students develop their personal brands, network effectively, and navigate the competitive internship landscape, I’ve demonstrated that the skills gained over a long career are not just relevant—they’re transformative. Watching students achieve their goals, knowing I’ve played a part, has been immensely rewarding. And let’s not forget the joy of seeing their faces when they realize that “networking” isn’t just for old folks in suits.


Reinvention isn’t a one-time event; it’s an ongoing process of growth and exploration. At 57, I’m not winding down—I’m ramping up. Whether it’s continuing to mentor the next generation, exploring consulting opportunities, or diving into new projects, I’m all in. My journey is a testament to the idea that experience and enthusiasm are timeless. There’s always room for new adventures and fresh starts, no matter the stage of life. Besides, it’s not a sprint, it’s a



I’m not done

Reinventing my career at 57 has been an unexpectedly enriching journey, demonstrating that age is merely a number, not a measure of ability or value. My extensive experience in brand marketing has provided a solid foundation for this new phase, allowing me to transition smoothly into student mentorship. To those feeling unsure about their future direction, remember that your experience is a priceless treasure, and reinvention is always a viable choice. The world still benefits from your expertise, insights, and enthusiasm. Cheers to the next adventure—because the journey is never over, and there is always more to discover! And remember, if you ever need advice on crafting a resume, I’m here to help!


 Amy Yallof– Amy Yallof has over 30 years of experience at top Fortune 500 companies. She specializes in creating exceptional resumes for high school and college students. Amy’s expertise in Strategic Brand Messaging and Consumer Engagement allows her to craft personalized resumes, cover letters, and LinkedIn profiles that effectively position students for internships, jobs, or college admissions. As a former interviewer, she understands what makes a resume stand out and enjoys coaching students to showcase their strengths. Her services focus on resume writing, offering customized career advice and content development. Amy is dedicated to helping students create impactful resumes that boost their confidence and career prospects.