How to Rank Higher on Google: The Complete Guide


Building a website is one thing. Getting it seen by others is a whole other subject. This is where search engines can be hugely helpful.

But just because your website gets put on a search engine listing doesn’t mean that it will be clicked on by others. The key is to get your website to rank toward the top of the listing.

Wondering how this is done? Then read on. Here is how to rank higher on Google and other such search engines.

Use Targeted Keywords in Your Content

One of the most important keys to ranking higher on Google is to use targeted keywords in your content. This way, Google will recognize these keywords and display your website when people use them for search inquiries.

What is a keyword in this context? In truth, it’s more of a phrase. For instance, if your website sells exercise supplements, you might use keywords like “whey protein supplements.”

How do you find good keywords? By using a keyword research tool such as Ahrefs or SEMrush. These will provide you with a wealth of keywords, along with statistics on how often they’re searched for and how often they’re used on other websites.

To use keywords optimally, there’s a good deal that you need to know. Read up on the concept of keyword usage to get a good idea of the specifics.

Get Backlinks

Maybe the most important part of improving your website rankings is getting backlinks. This involves getting other websites to link to pages on your website. It shows Google that others see your website as a credible source.

When getting backlinks, the goal should be to get them from websites with good domain authority (info here). The higher a website’s domain authority score, the more valuable its backlink will be.

There are all sorts of ways to get backlinks. You can write guest posts for other websites; you can share your content on social media and obtain backlinks organically; you could even strike up a deal with a fellow website manager.

In any case, you need a link-building plan. Establish it and facilitate it consistently to ensure the best results.

Produce Useful Content

Perhaps the most important aspect when it comes to search engine website rankings is producing useful content. This is important for a variety of reasons.

For one, useful content is what will draw webs users to your website. Getting these users to consume your content and click through to different pages on your website will indicate to Google that your website possesses an attractive quality. This will ultimately help it to rank higher.

For two, useful content will enable you to rank for more and more keywords. Focus on a single keyword phrase for each piece of written content. Over time, you’ll put yourself in the running for hundreds and maybe even thousands of keyword searches.

The third reason it’s important to produce useful content is that it shows Google that your website is still active. Active websites receive more love from Google than do inactive websites.

Engage on Social Media

Social media usage alone isn’t a ranking factor for Google. However, engaging on social media can help to improve your website for other factors. As such, you should be engaging on social media regularly.

See, when you engage on social media, you spread the awareness of your business. As this happens, more and more people visit your website. As more and more people visit your website, Google notices and assigns it with higher search engine rankings.

So, in other words, social media’s ability to help advertise your website ultimately results in giving it a higher ranking on Google.

To engage on social media properly, post at least 3 times a week. Some of these posts can be simple status updates. However, you should also be sure to share blog posts and other forms of content from your website. These pieces of content are what will most typically draw users to your website.

Optimize the Navigability of Your Website

One of the factors that affect your Google search engine ranking is bounce rate. This term describes the percentage of users who visit your website and leave it before clicking over to another of its pages. The higher a website’s bounce rate, the worse it will rank on Google.

As such, you need to do everything you can to reduce your bounce rate. Namely, you need to optimize the navigability of your website. Now, how can you do this?

You can start by having an easy-to-locate navigation menu at the top of each page. In addition, you can post clickable buttons throughout each page so that, in clicking on these buttons, your website visitors will be able to seamlessly make their way to other pieces of content.

You can also post calls-to-action, sign-up or contact forms, and even large, informative headlines. The key is to make your website as usable as possible. You don’t want the user to have any trouble making it from point A to point B.

In fact, you want the user to be able to seamlessly find new content on your website. As such, on the pages of your content, it’s generally a good practice to post links to related pieces of content. Making your content seo-friendly by using internal links is another way to boost your website’s rankings. You can also post links to external content from other websites that you feel would be relevant to your users. SEO content is often associated with a lot of jargon, so it’s important that you keep your writing simple. Don’t try to impress the reader with big words and flowery language.

Oh, and make sure everything’s loading relatively quickly. If it’s taking more than 3 seconds for a page to load, there’s a good chance that your visitors will just stop trying entirely.

And That’s How to Rank Higher on Google

And there it is, that’s how to rank higher on Google. Put these tips to good use, and you’ll be ranking toward the top of Google’s search engine listings within a few months.

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